Saturday, June 24, 2006

Random Thoughts

Id take it all way the hurt and the tears to see you smile again. The pain that fills your body and the ache that fills your heart. Id give my life for you to have yours for you to be happy. I stand a lonely person so empty never to be understood. To wake up and face reality I do not want, each day is harder than it looks. For it all to be takin away so fast. I blinked and you were gone from my life but never from my heart. My mind swirls with the memories of you and how things use to be. I cried because you gone I cried because I have a fear of being alone. Alone is something I fear the darkness and the cold the emptiness and the sadness. You were my rock my shelter from the storm my eyes to see and my legs to stand and where are you? Why do you leave? Gone from my life gone from what I know best. To go on and live in this world that is gradually falling apart in front of me a little piece each day is dieing with in its self. Why do you tell me you love me and that you will always be here for me? Why do I dwell upon your existence each day of my life? I feel everything has been drained from my soul you have took my heart. Sayin hello to you I shall never, saying goodbye to you I still do. You are no more and I am dead with in so good bye to me and goodbye to you. You were the sand I held so tightly in my fist and I slowly watched as you slipped away threw my fingers you went never to be seen and never to be heard forever to be gone forever I stand.

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