The very next blog i write you for you to read.. will be that shes out and shes home! Its been on long very long year an shes almost home.
I heard in this song to day i cant remember the name of it but i think its by Rascal Flatts if im wrong im sorry but it goes "god builds mountains so we can learn how to climb" Ive came close to giving up and walking away from what i know best from what has made me a better person. And im glad i had the people their to push me and not let me give up that easy im half way there to having my family back with a little work and patience i might get the entire thing before i know it.
For those who has lost a loved one to drugs just know that there is hope if that are willing to see what and who needs them and if they understand how much it can hurt some one im not saying everyone will change it will take that person looking deep inside of them selfs and deciding what is more important. I pray my mother stays out and stays clean i cant make her if i push her she will want to to it twice as bad if i stand by her side and support her maybe she wont want to do it as bad. I want her to change the person she is but not who she is in her heart. She doesnt have to be a holy roller a church goer.. I just want my mother some one who is as straight headed and strong. I love my mother and father i dont love the decisions they have made i dont love the price they and i have paid but i do love who they are inside they are the reason i am who i am today they are the reason i have made the decisions i have and i love them no less. All i can say is that i pray she does what she knows is right i will love her no less but my faith will be ran out in two years my dad will be coming home and i want him to do the same as i want her to i cant make her you cant make her no one can make her it is up to her to make her self to look deep in side and to decide what needs to be done. I love my momma and my daddy i want them both to know that and i also want them to know i do not love some things they decide to do but i love them no less. MOMMA IS COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
bite me
Well today wasnt the best i still give the world the big FTW with the finger and im pretty sure tomorrow will be worse
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Ever feel like giving up saying the hell with every thing.. i guess every body has their day and i have had quite a few of them and to day my mind is full tired of thoughts that repeat them selfs.. its pretty bad you can prove your self wrong. I just want to give the world the finger and walk away..Those you thought were friends arent ive learned to not let anyone get to close to me because i have only had one friend that hasnt talked shit about me run out on a fight and leave me there to do it my self, use me in any kind of way. A true friend and they are so hard to come by now days and once you get a friend like that you still dont hold them that close well i made the mistake of holding so close and like sand i held it to tight and it slipped away.. she passed away... the good die young... Shes in my thoughts every day my mind still talks to her as if she was here i look at pictures of her to just think about the times we spent to gether... Rebecca (Becky) Louise Adams you are the greatest thing that has walked in and walked out of my life you taught me that friendship is so hard to come by, dont ever let any one tell you you cant because the hell with them you can, stand on both feet by your self dont depend on no one to be there when you fall.
I pray everything will turn out all right when my mom gets out i need her more then ever and i need her with out the drugs i need a mom a friend a teacher and a tour guide because i cant do this all my self.
I pray everything will turn out all right when my mom gets out i need her more then ever and i need her with out the drugs i need a mom a friend a teacher and a tour guide because i cant do this all my self.
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