Thursday, March 02, 2006

I see you!

I did something yesterday that I have been waiting on for the last 6 months and that was to have face to face contact with my mother. We weren't suppose to but hey what they don't know wont hurt em' my mom is working at a church that sales clothes that people donates she's making 62 cents a day which isn't much but if you were where she is it would be plenty.

Before I left I printed off the directions on how to get there because knowing me I would get lost.. but do not fear I had my trusty little side kick with me to guide the way even tho he does tend to get bitten by a squirrel or turn down a one way going the wrong way once.. Ok ok twice. But we were off to the races and after a hour or so of driving and praying we don't get a ticket (because we always do) we were at our destination me douting his words on which way to go I tuck my tail because lord knows I have no sense of direction I follow his orders and go in the direction he commands me to.

We pull up to the building and into the drive he says "hey look there is your mom" as a child's instinct you'd think they'd notice their own mother before any body else would but nope not me I didn't even recognize her I got out of the car over joyed I wanted to whole slow motion run towards her but I was in disguises I couldn't be reconized I wasn't suppose to be there I wasn't suppose to be her daughter because if they found out we'd both be in real BIG trouble and I didn't want to be the one to ruin it for my mom so I played along looking at all the clothes I couldn't just go in and walk around with this woman talkin and laughin with out buying something so we made it look like she was helpin me shop I had my mom with me on one side and my trusty side kick on the other side it was like the old days I wanted to fall to my knees and cry asking god what I did so horrible to deserve everything that I have ever loved or showed the slightest happiness towards taking way from me. And I stopped for a second and took a deep breath in and it was like some one took all my pain and depression away and I felt as though I was ok and everything will be ok because every thing happens for a reason.

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