Saturday, March 18, 2006

Poem for Mom

I Keep Hoping

Watching you as you lay there and suffer
Standing and watching at the side lines
Each time I see you it seems to get tougher
Asking you to stop so many times
I keep hoping it will change one day

You tell me that you are okay
Telling me that you wouldn’t lie to me
I keep hoping you will tell me the truth one day
I still pray that maybe you will see
I keep hoping it will change one day

To see that your not the only one hurting
But also those who are standing at your side
Maybe some day you will start caring
But I keep standing there showing faith and pride
I keep hoping it will change one day

You know what I beg you to drop
I knew you needed a friend
You knew the things I asked you to stop
But I also knew the things that you intend
I keep hoping it will change one day

I hear the sound of keys growing nearer
Is this a dream
The sound keeps growing clearer
I wanted to run I wanted to scream
I keep hoping it will change one day

I see you on the other side I reach out
And I feel nothing
I’m crying out to you , I begin to shout
Why wont you say something
I keep hoping it will change one day

I see your face and its streaming with tears
Suddenly it’s hard to swallow
Asking me to help your face full of fear
Everything I’ve ever known is hard to follow
I keep hoping it will change one day

I close my eyes
I want to run and hide it will all go away
Buts sadly its to my surprise
You cant run you must stay and pray
I keep hoping it will change one day

Pulling my hair in a crying rage
Feeling use less and let down
But I’m strong so I turn the page
As I lay here in sadness as I drown
I keep hoping it will change one day

I am strong and I have hope
It will turn out for the best
Cause I have learnt to cope
And not get so depressed
I keep hoping it will change one day

I wouldn’t have changed it at all
I here to fight till the end
I’m always there to help you when you fall
I’m your helping hand when you need a lend
I keep hoping it will change one day

I keep hoping it will change on day
I give it time
Im here to help every step of the way
To pay for everything even the crime

As my mom and dad
I hold you close to my heart
I know its sad
Hold your head up high and be strong while we’re apart.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Rage of Carrie

Sorry candyland i had to do it haha!! Thats halarious! find em' hot and leave em' wet!


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mom and Dad Poem

My heart only hearts when I breath

Waking up Sunday morning
Sometimes I wish I was dreaming
Knowing what has to be done
I begin reminding myself of the fun

Waiting a very long time
Wondering why she did the crime
But knowing its worth the while
To see her laugh and to see her smile

Wishing there were no glass
Wishing time would hurry and pass
Seeing how strong she can be
Knowing how hard this really is for me

We sit and talk reminiscing
About what each other is missing
Trying to make the best of this
But it is what it is

Time is up, time to go
This is the toughest time for me though
To get up and walk away
To wait on the next Sunday.

Sayin Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

18 years has flew by,
Momma kept asking me why;
The day I left we both cried,
I knew I had to set my fears aside.

Being the little pony tailed girl,
Wondering how I got here,
Being daddies little girl,
I knew how to get there.

He handed me a map,
Staring at it on my lap;
He had highlighted the way back,
He always knew how to keep me on track.

Seeing her fight back the tears,
Hearing her say “don’t forget about me”,
Wanting to help her fight her fears,
Wanting to help her see.

Saying Goodbye,
Can be harder than it seems,
I began to ask my self why,
Understanding what having parents really means.

I see you!

I did something yesterday that I have been waiting on for the last 6 months and that was to have face to face contact with my mother. We weren't suppose to but hey what they don't know wont hurt em' my mom is working at a church that sales clothes that people donates she's making 62 cents a day which isn't much but if you were where she is it would be plenty.

Before I left I printed off the directions on how to get there because knowing me I would get lost.. but do not fear I had my trusty little side kick with me to guide the way even tho he does tend to get bitten by a squirrel or turn down a one way going the wrong way once.. Ok ok twice. But we were off to the races and after a hour or so of driving and praying we don't get a ticket (because we always do) we were at our destination me douting his words on which way to go I tuck my tail because lord knows I have no sense of direction I follow his orders and go in the direction he commands me to.

We pull up to the building and into the drive he says "hey look there is your mom" as a child's instinct you'd think they'd notice their own mother before any body else would but nope not me I didn't even recognize her I got out of the car over joyed I wanted to whole slow motion run towards her but I was in disguises I couldn't be reconized I wasn't suppose to be there I wasn't suppose to be her daughter because if they found out we'd both be in real BIG trouble and I didn't want to be the one to ruin it for my mom so I played along looking at all the clothes I couldn't just go in and walk around with this woman talkin and laughin with out buying something so we made it look like she was helpin me shop I had my mom with me on one side and my trusty side kick on the other side it was like the old days I wanted to fall to my knees and cry asking god what I did so horrible to deserve everything that I have ever loved or showed the slightest happiness towards taking way from me. And I stopped for a second and took a deep breath in and it was like some one took all my pain and depression away and I felt as though I was ok and everything will be ok because every thing happens for a reason.