Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Coldness

The Coldness Inside

Drowning in pain
Feeling a little insane
Cant control my pace
Tears streaming down my face

Wish my life would go up in flames
My tears would dry and not pour like rain
Wish my heart wouldnt race
Wish i didnt have this killing taste

Feels like im living in a cage
Feels like my heart is cold as ice and stained
My body burns like mase
Oh god i wish this wasnt the case

Feels like im tied down by a chain
My life is a little lame
I wish he was the one i could hunt down and chase
But i cant and tears are still flooding down my face!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

This Is For You Becky

Earth, Heaven, Hell
Roses are blooming
While hearts are breaking
But one soul isnt taken
Humans are suffering
Their bodies are aching
But there lives are wakening
This parallel world we call earth is mistaken
A place we rome, suffer, die, despise our ummortalily
A place we were sent for judgement day
A place called limbo
Somewhere between
Not heaven nor hell
But a parallel world
We suffer for he has suffered
We lie to hide of fear and fright
We will get good deeds as he
If we are pure and clean
Not dirty and mean
Life is what you want to make it
A gift?!
A curse?!
Heaven or Hell

This is a poem written by Becky Louise Adams she was my best friend and she died about 2 months after writing this. Its amazing how the good die young. I blame my self for her dieing i should have been there for her but at least i know that i was there with her very last breath. I know she was hurt alot in life and now she can be in peace.



Eyes are the key
Look into mine deep
Stare hard
See what you can see in me
Tell me what you see
One thousand lives?
Or just one?

Imagination that will take you to a parallel world?
Some where else?
But not in belief
And only you and I can see
In 35 seconds you will see the meaning in life
The meaning to me
Death, Reincarnation, Discrimination

Everything of this world
Just look in to my eyes
Stare down deep and you just might find the key.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Whose It Gonna Be?

Who is it gonna be?
I dont know who you are anymore
Or did i really know you before?
"No more lies" this you swore
You twisted my heart..
And watched as it fell apart.
You say your done you don't want anymore?
But again I ask who is this whore
I often wonder why its me you always ignore
You say i got issues?
But its you who is always pointing fingers and tryin to accuse
Did you really care about your family
Or was it women you wanted so badly
You always say im so bitchy
You always said blood before water
You wonder where i get this anger?
Why do you use me?
Did you actually think i wouldnt see?
How evil and deciving you can be..
Now that your free
You dont need me
You say you miss her and your so sad
Well i hate to say this but im kinda glad
When do you intend to be a dad?
I hope life treats you kind
But you didnt need me so keep it in mind.
You know whats sad
You, with this nasty whore its discusting i might add
Like I care if i make you mad!
You can say its part of the plan
Please David she looks like a man
You say ill get over it..
You are in the wrong ill be one to admit it,
Dont be mad at me your the one that said it,
I wont forgive and i wont forget..
This is something I'm willing to bet.
Its like you change every day..
One of these days you'll pay...
Its like I know every lie your gonna say,
Why do you get so angry with me?
So tell me whose it gonna be?
Why do you suspect im so bitter?
Hello did you forget?